Mina Mahouti
Threads: Localities & Temporalities of a Fiber Bio-Economy (Matters of Activity)

Impuls talk on the topic of: Regenerative Practices - Weaving Communities, Design and Agriculture. 

Workshopformat on the topic:
Down to Earth. Exploring Regenerative Practices/Principles in our Everyday Life. 

In co–creation with Sarina Sievert. 

About the event: 

The event aimed to bring together diverse actors — researchers, designers, entrepreneurs, activists and artists — to explore the complexities of transitioning to a bio-economy of natural fibres.The one-day event comprised two sessions, ›Localities‹ and ›Temporalities‹, where around 60 participants engaged with speakers invited to give short impulse talks, panels and workshops, to discuss the challenges of different production cycles, building regional supply chains, the potential of new resources, and alternative perspectives on the transition to a bio-economy in which fibres will play a key role.

Within the event »Activating Circular Network« series.

Berlin 2023

Matters of Activity, Sarina Sievert

Copyright picture Maxie Schneider, graphically adapted by Node Berlin/Oslo